We’ll make it as easy as possible
We promise to give your idea our full attention and get back to you as soon as we can.
1. Once you’ve taken steps to protect your intellectual property and reviewed our terms and conditions, use the form provided below to send us your idea.
2. Give us as much detail on your idea as you can. That way, we can understand it and make a good decision.
3. You’ll also need to agree to the confidentiality waiver on the form below. Then if you’re happy, send us your proposal. By clicking ‘Submit’, you’re agreeing to the terms and conditions.
4. We’ll confirm that we’ve got your submission as soon as we can.
5. We’ll do our best to get back to you within six weeks. At this stage, we’ll either:
- Invite you to discuss your idea
- Ask you for more information
- Let you know if your idea is not for us
6. If we decide we’d like to take your idea further, we will contact you about the next steps. Depending on your idea, we might propose a development project, a joint venture or a licensing agreement. We may also ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Our solutions
Our solutions start with a need. Patients and healthcare professionals inspire us to design medical solutions for wound management, surgery and pressure ulcer prevention. We want to enhance performance at every point of care – from the operating room to the home.
Our History
Healthcare professionals and their care for patients have always been our focus. Right from our early days as a textile manufacturer supplying gauze to Swedish hospitals.
Responsible business
We’re an ethical business. Our Code of Conduct demands integrity from our people. And we only work with partners and suppliers who live up to our standards.