Phlebolymphedema: the inter-relationship between the venous, lymphatic and integumentary systems
What happens when the human body’s waste and drainage system doesn’t work as it should? In this webinar, Dr. Heather Hettrick and Dr. Marcelo Ruettimann Liberato de Moura explain the science behind edema and what happens when your lymphatic system is affected by injury. Wednesday, 9 October 2019, 7:00 PM CET (6:00 PM UK)
Wednesday, 9 October 2019, 7:00 PM CET (6:00 PM UK)
At the end of this thorough 20-minute session, participants will be able to:
- Appreciate the relationship between the integument and AVL (arterial, venous, lymphatic) system with respect to edema formation
- Understand the pathophysiology of edema
- Recognize that all forms of edema have underlying lymphatic dysfunction (lymphedema continuum)
- Identify the clinical characteristics of phlebolymphedema
- Employ proper interventions to manage phlebolymphedema
Heather Hettrick PT, PhD, CWS, CLT, CLWT
Director of Wound Education for ILWTI.
Professor, Physical Therapy Program, Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale Florida.
Dr. Marcelo Ruettimann Liberato de Moura
Vascular Surgeon, São Rafael - S.A.- Hospital at Bahia, Brazil,
CEO, Ruettiman Teaching and Training Company
Chairman of the Ruettiman Institute (a not-for-profit institution)
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